RK Tech Bulletin – August 2019
In this month’s edition of the Technical Bulletin we discuss Non-Conforming Product, the Black Soldier Fly, and a case study from a battle with Listeria.
RK Tech Bulletin -July 2019
In this month’s edition of the Technical Bulletin we discuss Management Commitment, the Phorid Fly, and CFS Sr. Food Safety Consultant Todd Kaback shares a case study from one of our more challenging assignments. July_2019_Technical_Bulletin
RK Tech Bulletin -June 2019
In the latest issue of the RK Environmental Technical Bulletin we explore the final rule in the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. A rule aimed at preventing intentional adulteration from acts intended to cause wide-scale harm to public health, including acts of terrorism targeting the food supply. Although not likely, we should be armed with all […]
RK Environmental Services Climbing the PCT Top 100 Chart.
RK Environmental Services Ranks #54 Out of Over 20,000 Pest Management Companies in the US and Ranks 3rd for ‘Commercial Only’ Pest Management Companies. Westwood, New Jersey—We are excited to announce RK Environmental Services has been making its mark in the pest management industry for two decades, and is scaling its way to the top […]
RK Tech Bulletin – May 2019
In the latest issue of the RK Environmental Technical Bulletin we examine the value of conducting consistent employee training in all areas of food safety. An effective food safety starts and ends with clarity and consistency in training. We also take a look at the smokey brown cockroach and offer a case study on how […]
Case Study: Mice Underfoot – In the Floor!
After years of servicing a large client facility in central Pennsylvania with no rodent pressure, it was hard to believe the facility QA manager called regarding several cases of returned product that had rodent damage inside the boxes. After reviewing the photos and the damaged product, it was easy to conclude the damage was indeed […]
RK Tech Bulletin – April 2019
Technical Bulletin – April 2019
RKE Case Study: The Elusive Silverfish
A corrugated box manufacturer had received a complaint of a silverfish in the corrugate of a carton sent to a food manufacturer. Fortunately, the carton was secondary packaging and would not have contacted any food directly. The RK Environmental Services (RKE) regional operations manager was contacted and a service specialist dispatched to investigate. The service […]
RK Tech Bulletin – March 2019
In the latest edition of the RK Environmental Services Technical Bulletin we discuss listeria – one of the most dangerous threats facing the food processing industry today. Learn about the various species of listeria and how they can impact consumers should a contamination occur. We also take a look at the fungus gnat – a nuisance pest […]
RK Tech Bulletin – Feb. 2019
In the latest edition of the RK Environmental Services Technical Bulletin we discuss the value of establishing a food safety culture in your facility, the hairy grain beetle and share a case study on cockroaches in a break room that were causing issues in a confectionary manufacturing facility and the steps that were taken to provide a […]