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Audit Assured 365

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Audit assured 365 service (1)

We help organizations manage food safety-related risks, and exceed regulatory requirements with affordable turnkey and customized food safety solutions.

Audit Assured 365 (AA365) is much more than just a good-looking logo and catchy slogan.  On its face, AA365 says to our clients and the food industry that if you work with RKE/CFS we will make sure that you will be audit ready all the time.  But, AA365 means so much more:

RKE/CFS is the only IPM service provider and food safety consultancy that has established an internal training and certification program that is geared towards IPM (integrated pest management) and food safety.  Our staff of service professionals and consultant/ trainers go through a formalized 6 module training program…the six modules are:  Food Safety Fundamentals; Food Safety Audits; Integrated Pest Management; Retail Food Safety; Regulatory Requirements; Report Writing.

Audit Assured 365 (AA365) is an internal certification program all employees of RK Environmental Services must complete. The training consists of six modules:

  • Module 1: Food Safety Fundamentals
  • Module 2: Food Safety Audits
  • Module 3: Integrated Pest Management
  • Module 4: Retail Food Safety
  • Module 5: Regulatory Requirements
  • Module 6: Report Writing
The intent of the training scope is to diversify the knowledge base of food safety and IPM professionals. Each module is completed once a written exam is passed.

Audit Assured 365

Specializing in pest management & food safety consulting for food processing plants